Are You in a Vicious Cycle

Are you in a vicious cycle? 👈🏽🤷🏽‍♀️

🎯 Do you know what that means?

😔Have you been struggling with leaving a relationship or marriage?

😩Have you left only to find yourself right back in the situation a few weeks or months later?

😒You’re stressed, you’re being disrespected and tolerating more than what’s necessary for no reason at all 🤨

Yet you still remain stuck in a situation you know serves no purpose ❌

You 🫵🏽 question why you still stay because you deserve better ✅

Venting seems to help so you talk to those who will listen, they share advice but somehow you’re still confused 🫤

Why? 🤷🏽‍♀️

You’re confused because you refuse to see and accept the obvious. You look for validation from others but don’t realize everything you need to make a sound decision is within you!

You know what needs to be done but something’s holding you back from moving forward.

🤔What is it⁉️

😯👉🏽Your inability to see truth, accept it and focus on what matters most (you). You’re too busy looking in the past at the good times, holding on to the possibilities of what could be but (isn’t). You’re holding on to 📌familiarity. What you’ve allowed in your life for so long has become normal until you don’t know anything different.

It’s time to let it go❗️ if it serves no purpose. Life’s too short and time is too precious to be participating in someone else’s circus. Let them be clowns 🤡 all on their own.

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