Men you are the most misunderstood, underappreciated, and often overlooked creatures of all on the planet. Why? You do what you can for who you can, and your actions are seen as something you are supposed to do. Who said it’s a requirement that you must take care of others? Men go out of their way to provide, profess, and protect and it’s seen as the way it’s supposed to be because you are a man. Is it not an individual’s job to provide for themselves? Men work hard, build, and establish a kingdom and you’re told you need someone inside it other than yourself to make it a home. They say you need someone to share your hard work with. Since when can’t men make their kingdom a home? Since when is it not a thing for them to take their time and find a wife when they feel ready to do so? Men father children and is present in their lives, support and there to guide them but it’s seen as they ought too because women been doing it for years. Ladies, you get recognition all the time. Although some see it as men are fronting and it’s not genuine.

The point is what men do is followed by a watered-down excuse not highlighting, praising, or recognizing the honest and pureness of a man. Men have the whole world placed upon their shoulders as soon as they walk out the door in the mornings. They are met with stressors from every direction until they walk back in the door of their home.

What they need more of is love, support, respect and well everything women require and ask for but don’t give. Requiring someone to give you the world but you not being able to give it back in return is preposterous. Society has placed a very high standard on our men and quite frankly its impossible for men to keep up with the ever-changing demands of the world he is surrounded by. Raise up your men. Support your men. Recognize your men. Love your men. Respect your men.

Men are showing you who they are but if its not recognized or appreciated as such they change it up. They change it up because they are doing what they can with what they have and it’s not good enough for you. When they change then the negative talk really becomes amplified. Who’s to blame? Who’s in fault for making a difficult situation more difficult?

Men keep living your life the best way you know how, following God, serving others, and taking care of your responsibilities. Don’t spend valuable time worried about the negative talk circulating about what you do and don’t do. As long as you can sleep peacefully at night knowing you’ve done all you can, don’t stress about the rest. As a woman who understands, I salute you!

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