
Free yourself from the past. Holding on to trauma, hurt, and past struggles WILL destroy you. It destroys friendships, relationships, marriages and divides families.

Forgive others who have wronged you. Ask for forgiveness from those you have wronged. Release. Its for you not them. Let it go.

Forgiveness was something I struggled with. I had so much anger, frustration and resentment inside for those that did me wrong. I disassociated myself from them. I thought by not speaking to them, not mingling with them or setting my eyes upon them that I would be fine. That it would all go away. I didn’t have to see them. Sure it worked for a time but it didn’t last long. I still had that torch burning inside whenever I heard their name mentioned.

I knew I had to get to a place where I asked for forgiveness so that I could move forward and beyond what was holding me back from living a life of peace. Once I made that move a shift happened in my life.

I am free. I am forgiven. I am forgiving. I am at peace. Letting go is exhilarating. The exhale I was waiting for and desperately needed came instantly. You see when you rise above all that came to destroy it won’t matter what needs to be done. What matters is that you had the strength and courage to do it!

#forgiveness #love #peace #followmeonfacebook #dontforgettosmile

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