
Romance is a feeling of love for, or a strong attraction towards another person, and the courtship behaviors undertaken by an individual to express those overall feelings and resultant emotions.

Romantic gestures come in different forms and at different stages in relationships. It’s not a one size fits all. What looks like romance to one may not to another. Romance is not only an act of love it’s often viewed as a measure of one’s love. It’s an attraction, excitement and “woo” for a person and the relationship. Usually felt when you are in love with someone. Though not to be confused, love is commitment, affection, and devotion. Romance is superficial. If both are present the relationship will flourish.

Being romantic means surprises, affection, giving of time, listening, gift giving, expressing yourself, being thoughtful, etc. Romance is acts of kindness, quality time, in public and behind closed doors, words of affirmation, and shown in touch. It’s all five love languages and doing things that makes someone happy.

Why do we romance and love romance? It’s the possibility of what can become of the relationship and the illustration of what an individual or both wants it to be. It’s the feeling of happiness and pure satisfaction. With happiness comes less stress, peace, security, stability, comfort, trust, joy, and an adrenaline rush. For some it can be unmeasurable, and unexplainable.

I can’t begin to tell you how many times I hear, he isn’t romantic, or she doesn’t like the romantic stuff I do for her or that I’d like to do romantic things, but he/she doesn’t allow me the chance to do it how I want and when I want. I also hear they show it, but it’s overlooked making a person say, “why bother”. To that I say, stop forcing or rushing it. Stop internalizing and sit down and have a conversation.

It’s my belief that everyone possesses a romantic side. However, it’s shown usually to the person they feel is worthy. Being in a relationship for years and not being shown romance, feeling romantic gestures signifies you may be in the wrong relationship. Please understand not everyone will be in a relationship with the one they are intended to be with.

Romancing your significant other is a part of dating, courting. It is still present in engagements, marriages and marriages that have been for years. Romance doesn’t stop just because you have conquered the prize; him or her. It’s saying without words, I’m just as much into you now then I was the first day I laid eyes on you.

Romance + Love is having an eagerness to care, protect, respect, an urgency to want to do life with, shielding one from harm, striving to be all they can be for another is appreciation, affection, and admiration at its peak. This is when a person lets down their guard to profess their love and devotion to another. It’s effortlessly executed. It will not be one-sided but rather both will focus on bringing peace, enjoyment, and fulfillment to each other. And in turn, the relationship will be mind-blowing!

Key Take Away:

Understanding your love language and the love language of your partner

People show their love for you based on their love language, not necessarily yours

Understanding your partners love language will serve you an advantage to having, bringing back and keeping the romance alive in your relationship

It may take some longer than others to show affection but if love is present and the value is seen it will be shown, effortlessly

Romance and love together can be monumental

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